Sponsor a Reparative Grant Cycle
"Reparations is the midpoint between truth and reconciliation" - Dr. David Ragland
Is your faith community ready to engage in direct repair? Reparations Circle Denver and our partner Denver Black Reparations Council offer a powerful way to deepen your congregation's commitment to racial justice by providing a bridge to beloved community and a way to fund reparative change in Colorado. Many faith communities would like to deepen their commitment to racial justice but are unsure how to proceed. Consider joining the growing number of faith communities who are engaging in direct repair across the country.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our Offerings
Participating Faith Communities:
"The moral issue of reparations is crystal clear to me. This is just something that has to happen - we need to take concrete steps toward meaningful reconciliation and reparation." - Rev. Mike Morran, First Unitarian Society of Denver
"A lot of people in our congregation believe that good works are an important part of their faith, including myself. We've come to the place where faith intersects with the moral question of repair." - Patrick Whorton, First Unitarian Society of Denver
The line between good and evil cuts through every human heart. We've been given this opportunity to understand the differences between human flourishing and human suffering. We were able to see how systemically pre-wired things are. Conditions allow people who look like me to flourish, but cause people who do not look like me to endure suffering. - Steve Brainerd, First Unitarian Society of Denver
Meet Our 2023 Grant cycle sponsor

First Unitarian Society of Denver spent many years engaging in racial justice work before its congregation committed to the path of reparations. After the murder of George Floyd in 2020 however, FUSD's racial justice committee began to discuss ways the congregation could deepen its commitment to repair. The congregation began to study the concept of reparations and explore how FUSD might best engage. In late 2022, FUSD launched its reparations fund and chose Denver Black Reparations Council to deploy the funds it raised as reparative grants to Black-led and Black-serving organizations in Colorado. FUSD is sponsor for our spring and fall 2023 reparative grant cycles.